Crossing Over | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

1 year ago

YES, it’s our decision to “Cross Over”! Many of us have found ourselves in wilderness places in 2023, by receiving God’s faithfulness in the land of “just enough”. But Pastor Sandra Kennedy says, we can receive even more from God in the land of “more than enough”, a place God calls abundance. The Lord says, it’s up to us, it’s our choice to walk in the wilderness of “just enough” or walk in the land of “more than enough” that is flowing with milk and honey. What is this land of “more than enough God wants us to have? It’s called “Heaven” - a place of perfect and total provision, abundant joy, and amazing peace. Question, are YOU getting yourself ready, consecrating yourself as Romans 12:1-2 describes, to Cross Over to the Promised Land, a land of “more than enough” called Heaven?

Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.
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