Bill Cosby is a Free Man? How is That Possible?

7 months ago

Today is July 1st, 2021. Yesterday morning the Pennsylvania Supreme Court abruptly vacated Bill Cosby's guilty verdict and within hours he was walking out of prison.

Not only that, but the court ruled he cannot be retried!

Didn't Bill Cosby admit to raping those women? Wasn't he forced to pay out millions in restitution to his victims, spanning over decades and scores of women? If all that evidence was against him, how in the world is he a free man today?

*Update* As we've been reading the PA Supreme Court decision and learning more about this case, we've learned that Bill Cosby NEVER DID admit to rape, nor even sexually assault his victims. What he DID do is admit he drugged them and then they had sex later. Apparently, the jury equated that to rape or at least sexual assault, and that led to the guilty verdict. Crazy!

This is not only a twisted, sick, and perverted case, but it's also a legal one that is likely to go down in history as beyond bizarre and an obvious miscarriage of justice for all of his victims.

But, as a video podcast that focuses on the process, we also have to explore the law, and cases like this actually show that the judicial system worked. Again, All Things Crime is NOT saying it's right morally, but based on everything we have read, it's legally the right decision.

YES, it's that crazy! Check out the episode, comment below, and please subscribe!

All Things Crime is a new, comprehensive video series that will explore every aspect of crime and the ensuing investigation, one video interview at a time. The host, Jared Bradley, is the President of M-Vac Systems, which is a wet-vacuum-based forensic DNA collection system and has experience traveling the world training all levels of law enforcement and crime lab DNA analysts in using the M-Vac to help solve crime. Along the way he has met people from all walks of life and experience in investigating crimes, so is putting that knowledge to use in another way by sharing it in these videos.

If you are interested in more videos about the M-Vac, DNA, and investigations, also check out the M-Vac's channel

#coldcase #AllThingsCrime #dna

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