The No. 1 Reason for Business Screw-ups

5 months ago

If you had to guess, what would you say the Number ONE reason was for business screw-ups and business blunders? In other words, what’s the main reason, for stupid errors, dumb reoccurring questions, unclear communications and employee un-civil war?

The reason may surprise you!

“Forgetting”— is the number one reason for the free-for-all confusion and chaos in business.

How do I know? Before learning the art of systematization, I was a “professional” at business screw-ups. Moreover, an aficionado at business blunders.

Did you know, way back in 1858 a man by the name of Hermann Ebbinghaus studied and developed a system to measure “forgetting?”

It’s called the Hermann Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. It’s true!

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