Tedros Ghebreyesus Claims a Pandemic Treaty is Required

1 year ago

Tedros Ghebreyesus is a Marxist leader from the Tigray Peoples' Liberation Front in Ethiopia. He moved from roles as their Foreign Minister and Health Minister, into international roles with the Clinton Foundation, UN AIDS, Gavi, and the Global Fund.

He also co-founded the Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation (IHME) in 2007 (https://www.healthdata.org/about/governance). This is a non-profit organization seeded by $384M in donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The IHME provided wildly inaccurate mathematical models predicting mass death due to covid which have never eventuated. They were clearly politically motivated to promote lockdowns and forced genetic injections.

The resulting confusion as to whether covid was a deadly pandemic that was going to kill everyone, or a standard influenza like illness which most would survive, was the direct result of independent analysts with eminent reputations such as Professor John Ioannidis at Stanford University and Professor Sunetra Gupta at Oxford University, considered leading infectious disease epidemiologists, being aggressively censored. They continue to speak against a flurry of well-funded, corrupted analysts, many of whom (eg Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz from Woollongong University in Australia) had no expertise in infectious disease epidemiology, but suddenly appeared to receive financial backing to be promoted as "experts".

Another IHME founding board member is Gro Harlem Brundtland whose history includes authoring a document "Our Common Future" in 1987 (https://www.are.admin.ch/are/en/home/media/publications/sustainable-development/brundtland-report.html), which was used in the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, to launch the United Nations' concept of Sustainable Development, the beginnings of Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030. The connections between pandemics and climate change being used for nefarious purposes by those in powerful positions (who Tedros is spokesperson for), are indisputable.

It seems that enough people are waking up to this globalist scam, as to worry the likes of Tedros, who argues here that the Pandemic Accord is necessary for the good of mankind.

He wants you to think that a One Health approach is necessary. Learn about One Health here: https://brownstone.org/articles/one-health-subverted-corrupted-and-ruined/

He wants you to think that World Health Organization should have control over the health and care workforce. This will follow the business model of public money going into a machine of employed biosecurity staff surveilling for pathogens, identifying pathogens, developing vaccines and imposing restrictions to "stop" those pathogens, and administering these treatments en-masse. Profits resulting from these developments and restrictions - as occurred during Covid which instigated the biggest wealth transfer in history, from the middle classes to the billionaire class - will be channeled out to the corporations running the "Research and Development" which World Health Organization also intend on controlling.

This is a coup d'état which requires your consent and compliance to succeed. Tedros is desperate for you to think this is absolutely untrue. "We cannot allow this historic agreeement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies".

Learn more at www.doortofreedom.org, including the WHO plans to control "misinformation" which is now an "infodemic".

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmkMcbdGq8I

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