Episode 1866: The Ascent of Mount Carmel - Book 3

5 months ago

In Book 3, St. John of the Cross delves deeper into the process of purgation or purification of the soul, which he views as essential for spiritual growth and union with God.
He describes in detail the various stages and aspects of this purification, emphasizing the need for detachment from worldly desires, attachments, and distractions. The book offers practical guidance and spiritual insights on how individuals can cooperate with God's grace to undergo this purgative process effectively.
St. John employs rich allegorical language and draws upon mystical experiences to illustrate his teachings, making use of imagery such as the dark night of the soul to symbolize the challenges and trials encountered on the spiritual journey. Throughout the book, he emphasizes the importance of faith, humility, and trust in God's providence as essential virtues for advancing along the path of divine union.
So what are these various stages and aspects of this purification, emphasizing the need for detachment from worldly desires, attachments, and distractions that St John describes.
Identification of Attachments: St. John begins by urging individuals to identify and acknowledge the attachments and desires that hinder their spiritual progress. These attachments can be to material possessions, relationships, status, or even to spiritual consolations and experiences.
Necessity of Detachment: He emphasizes that true spiritual growth requires detachment from these attachments and desires. This detachment involves letting go of reliance on them for fulfillment and instead seeking union with God as the ultimate source of satisfaction.
Painful Purification: St. John describes the process of detachment and purification as often painful and challenging. It may involve experiencing a sense of emptiness, darkness, or spiritual dryness as one lets go of familiar comforts and securities.
First Night: Detaching from external senses and sensory pleasures.
Second Night: Detaching from internal desires and self-will.
Third Night: Deepest purification, surrendering even spiritual consolations to God.
Now lets do a deeper dive
First Night: Detaching from External Senses and Sensory Pleasures:
Imagine: A dimly lit path where familiar sights, sounds, and tastes lose their intensity.
Focus: Renouncing excessive indulgence in sensory experiences like overeating, lavish possessions, or seeking constant entertainment.
Challenges: Internal battles with temptation, feeling deprived, and facing social pressures.
Goal: Develop inner discipline, appreciate simplicity, and prioritize spiritual over worldly pleasure.
Quote: "In this first Night, the soul is purified of all the affections and desires it had for created things...it comes to possess true poverty of spirit." (Book 3, Ch. 1)
2. Second Night: Detaching from Internal Desires and Self-Will:
Imagine: Deep introspection revealing hidden emotions, judgments, and attachments to personal preferences.
Focus: Letting go of pride, envy, anger, and the need to control outcomes.
Challenges: Confronting ego, facing inner darkness, and relinquishing personal agendas.
Goal: Cultivate humility, surrender to God's will, and embrace inner peace.
Quote: "In this second Night, the soul is purified of all the affections and desires of its own spirit...it enters a deep knowledge of itself and its own misery." (Book 3, Ch. 4)
3. Third Night: Deepest Purification, Surrendering Even Spiritual Consolations to God:
Imagine: Standing in complete darkness, even spiritual experiences fade, leaving only faith and trust.
Focus: Releasing attachment to even positive emotions, visions, or spiritual consolations.
Challenges: Experiencing intense dryness, feeling abandoned, and grappling with doubts.
Goal: Develop pure love for God, devoid of expectations or seeking rewards, and enter deeper union.
Quote: "In this third Night, the soul is purified of all the affections and desires it had for God...it enters into a state of great darkness and emptiness." (Book 3, Ch. 9)
Important Concepts:
Emptying: Releasing control and attachments to allow God's will to prevail.
Faith: Trusting in God's guidance even during darkness and challenges.
Discernment: Distinguishing genuine spiritual experiences from illusions.
Lets go through these 3 major concepts
1. Emptying:
This concept goes beyond merely giving up material possessions. It emphasizes releasing control, desires, and attachments that hinder communion with God.
St. John differentiates between "holy detachment" (letting go for God's sake) and "worldly detachment" (motivated by fear or negativity).
He describes emptying as a gradual process involving introspection, self-denial, and cultivating inner freedom.
Quote: "The soul must be emptied of all other things...so that God may enter and fill it with Himself." (Book 2, Ch. 13)

2. Faith:
This does not just imply intellectual belief. St. John emphasizes faith as active trust and surrender to God's will, even in times of darkness and hardship.
He encourages relying on faith during the "nights" when sensory comforts and spiritual consolations vanish.
This faith involves embracing uncertainty and mystery, knowing God works even when unseen.
Quote: "Faith...walks in darkness, not knowing where it goes...believing that by this means it will attain to a greater good." (Book 2, Ch. 7)
3. Discernment:
St. John warns against mistaking illusions or emotional highs for genuine spiritual experiences.
He recommends developing spiritual clarity and inner wisdom to distinguish between authentic and deceptive phenomena.
This discernment involves seeking guidance from religious advisors, prayer, and reflection.
Quote: "It is necessary to have great discernment...so that they may not be deceived by the devil, who frequently transforms himself into an angel of light." (Book 2, Ch. 8)
Overall, Book 3 of "The Ascent of Mount Carmel" serves as a profound guide for spiritual seekers seeking to deepen their relationship with God and attain spiritual perfection through the purification of the soul. It offers timeless wisdom and practical insights that continue to inspire and guide readers on their spiritual journeys centuries after its initial publication.

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