Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition - Veil of Reality (ENG, SLO SUBS)

1 year ago
This video sheds light into the nature of love, relationships, the "New Age" movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it all relates to the topics of "conspiracy theories", psychopathy, and the importance of holistic self-work.

Veil of Reality


It may be a strange thing to say but beware of love today, wherever you come across it, whether it is in the newspapers, a magazine article or in conversation.

The word 'love' generally describes an emotion, which emerges inside us via highly toxic channels. In current understanding, it is a feeling gripped by possessiveness, chaperoned by jealousy and with its alter ego, hate, waiting ready in the wings. Love such as this - whether parental, amorous or social - is an emotion, which is genuinely short on charm: easily upset, manipulative and, even, vindictive.

The enlightened have no relationship with this emotion, preferring instead the pure feeling of compassion, which, unlike love, does not flow through the polluting channels of the ego.

And this is why it is so charming.

Simon Parke, One minute mindfulness

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