OCCULT WISDOM EFV: But You Cannot Teach A Baby To Walk At Crawling Stage!

10 months ago

Philosophers Stone Decoded #OccultKnowledge Revealed. Looking At The Mysteries of The Stone Finding Out What It Really Means Behind The Hidden Messages #Signsandsymbols ANY LANGUAGE HERE👍⁣https://meditationforfreedom.co.uk/philosophers-stone-decoded/

The philosophers stone has had many interpretations throughout the history of man and woman. Some even believing it to be an actual stone, which can be created.

This is due to the famous saying turning led into gold. In this blog post I intend to go a little deeper, into this stone, using the knowledge I was taught. Including what I learnt through the astral records and researched with other matrix grid players. Which will hopefully give you a better understanding of the #PhilosophersStone and how you, locate it.

Please note this information is NOT for EVERYONE depending on your level of understanding of the mental world and how it vibrates and creates. Then this post will make more sense. some things you need to raise your level of awareness to understand.

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