5th Force of What?

3 months ago


So, in otherwords;

Is it possible that the serotonin/indole/tryptamine based molecules, which possess their own electron spin resonances and molecular orbitals, attract clusters of tetrahedrons/time shapes, based upon some type of attraction factor, which we have yet to discover in physics? & Is it possible that these clusters of tetrahedrons, contain imprints of genetic like qualities of time, of both past and future resonances of time, which were originally depicted by Chinese thinking, which was choreographed by the sequencing of I Ching Hexagrams, which were arranged according to different observations by Kings & Sages, millennia ago?

This might explain, why people have visions which come true, dreams which happen later, and are able to predict the future - a rapid analysis of the situation at hand, based upon information contained within a new fundamental 5th force of nature, which the micro-electrical energy of the neurons/synapses, blast apart, much like aggregate or granular material, and later piece themselves back together, based upon their own internal directions and base pairing of yin/yan energies, or positive/negative constructs.

This quite possibly explains how The Simpsons predict the future, the writers merely glimpse geometric/genetic like forces of nature, which build upon processes much like atoms & molecules build upon matter, and proteins & rna/dna build upon biology, which then later go on to evolve, and shape the future, based upon the information previously contained within their structures, it is simply that the synapses pick these time shapes apart, glimpsing intimations of their essence, and depict what they've seen as art - video games, books, stories, movies, sitcoms, etc.

& on a side note - is it possible, that, similar to how radiation causes genetic mutations within an organism - the electrical energy generated by neurons/the synapses (milliwatts, in nature), is capable of mutating these time shapes, instilling them with a type of mutation via the quantum mechanical generation of thought? Does the brain receive glimpses of the future which later come true, does the brain manipulate time and space to shape matter as it sees fit, or is it a combination of both?



And. On another side note.

If this force does pre-date the big bang, and does consist of limited diffusion aggregational processes which construct all elements of life in a preferential growth pattern - this would imply that this force did in fact, play a role in how the laws of physics ordinarily behave. Does this mean that the human brain & neural activity generating milliwatts of electricity, upon interacting and changing this force, play a larger role in the quest to conquer supernatural abilities more than we would believe? We've already proven remote viewing and predicting the future is real. What about the art of Siddhi?

Stay tuned.

You never know what's around the corner.

*On another side note, I trailed off on one segment of the video, I never had any interest in stimulants, depressants, or horse tranquilizers, with the exception of salvia and cannabis, after reading about drugs & societal relationships with drugs in high school, it seemed to me like tryptamines and indoles were the way to go.*

I honestly feel like Canadian politicians and law enforcement are just fucking useless at this point.

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