Tens of thousands of Indian farmers are marching toward the capital in protest

4 months ago

Tens of thousands of Indian farmers are advancing towards the capital, demanding assured crop prices and reviving a movement from two years ago that successfully led to the government repealing contentious agricultural laws.

On Tuesday, police employed tear gas, detained several farmers, and fortified border points to prevent the protesters from entering New Delhi.

Authorities are keen on managing the current demonstrations to avoid a recurrence of the 2021 protests, during which tens of thousands of farmers encamped outside the capital for over a year, enduring severe weather conditions and a devastating surge of COVID-19.

Farmers, arriving on tractors and trucks from neighboring Haryana and Punjab states, assert that the government has not fulfilled some of their essential demands from the previous protests, the Associated Press reported.

READ MORE: https://apnews.com/article/india-new-delhi-farmer-protests-e66832e9bf57a3f65b6833f1af8491ba

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