Sci-fi Radio (ep07) Diary of a Rose by Ursula K. Leguin

1 year ago

"The Diary of the Rose" is a 1976 dystopian science fiction novelette by Ursula K. Le Guin, first published in the Future Power collection. The tale is set in a totalitarian society which uses brainwashing by "electroshocks" to eradicate any kind of political dissent.
The story is the diary of psychodiagnost ("psychoscopist") Dr. Rosa Sobel hired by state security to probe the mind of Flores Sorde for signs of "political psyschosis", using a brain-mapping device called a psychoscope.
Conversations with Sorde eventually lead to the political awakening of Dr. Sobel.
The concept of "political psychosis" can be compared with Orwellian "thoughtcrimes".The whole setup of the story is reminiscent of the punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union.
Some critics link the novelette with the Orsinian cycle, however in the introduction to the collection Where on Earth Ursula Le Guin remarked that while the protagonist has an Orsinian name, she would rather think that the events took place in South America rather than in Orsinia.
When asked in an interview about her Orwellian-type stories, "The New Atlantis", "SQ", and "The Diary of the Rose", Ursula Le Guin commented:
Those three stories arose out of rage and fear at the institutionalised cruelty and stupidity of national governments-abroad and at home. None of them is more than slightly exaggerated. It is hard for a story to come close to the terrible reality of government-directed punishment of dissent and government-directed torture.

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