028 City of David Excavations

7 months ago

Welcome to the City of David, one of the most fascinating and historically significant archaeological sites in Jerusalem. Located just outside the walls of the Old City, this ancient city was once the heart of Jerusalem, and home to some of the most influential figures in biblical history. Through ongoing excavations, the City of David has revealed many secrets and mysteries, including the remains of a grand palace belonging to King David himself. In this blog, we will take a closer look at some of the most exciting discoveries in the City of David, including the house of Ahiel, the stone step structure identified with the biblical Millo, the Large stone structure identified by Eilet Mazar in 2005 as the palace of David, and the Ophel just outside the southern wall of the temple mount in Jerusalem. Join us as we delve into the rich history and uncover the hidden treasures of this remarkable ancient city.

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