Disgraceful: Joe Scarborough Throws His Mother Under The Bus Trying To Defend Biden

7 months ago

When you cover politics, you have to know you are going to see some pretty disgraceful things, both from the politicians themselves and from their supporters (which, these days, include and are led by the media). This isn't a partisan point. Horrible speech comes from both ends of the political spectrum and every waypoint in between. But this morning, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough took things to a new low trying to defend Joe Biden from the damning charges laid out by special counsel Robert Hur against the President's cognitive ability. And when we say 'a new low,' we mean REALLY low. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough defends Biden’s memory: “Nobody has been closer to me in my life than my mom. If somebody asked me in the middle of a deposition, ‘What year did your mom die?’ I’d go, ‘I don’t know, 2017, 2018, 2019?’ I don’t know.” -- Wow. Just … wow.

Nothing like throwing your mother under the bus for the "Big Guy,' Scarbs. We don't actually know the relationship Scarbrough had with his mother, but if he was as close to her as he says he was, then there is NOT A CHANCE that he does not remember the year she died. Not a chance he doesn't remember the month or day she passed away. Probably the exact hour as well. (And it was a nice, horrible little added touch for Scarborough to throw his wife's father, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, under the bus too by saying she doesn't remember the year he died either). We're seriously at a loss for words right now at how horrible Scarborough is, so we'll let Twitter take the wheel for a few minutes. -- You know this is going well because this is the 4th straight day of them going all in on this.

• More at: Twitchy - Disgraceful: Joe Scarborough Throws His Mother - HIS MOTHER - Under the Bus Trying to Defend Biden

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