Are Witches Infiltrating The Church?! (The Spirit of Jezebel is trying to work in the Church!)

3 months ago

What is the Jezebel spirit? It is a real demonic spirit. Sometimes it inhabits person and other time sit influences a person. This evil spirit has been responsible for the destruction of ministries, marriages, churches, denominations and even nations. The three steps are these:
Manipulation-seduce, influence and control: next is Intimidation-uses fear, lying and other tactics: and Domination-it begins to dictate and bully and get what it wants. It likes to attack leadership and authority. It likes to wear the mask of spirituality. and craves the spotlight. You Expose it-Confront it and Remove it.
I Kings 16:29-33; Revelation 2:18-24; I Kings 18,19,21,22; II Kings 9:30-27

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