40 Days of 4VKM - Episode 34: El Magadore Trump vs el Torito the DEEP STATE BULL

10 months ago

Join us as we discuss El MAGAdore Trump as he battles El Torito the Deep State Bull. Juan O Savin tells a wonderful story about how Trump is a Matadore begging for the Deep State Bull to Charge him. They don't only charge once, but several times... each time though, merely catching the cape.

Matadores have been characters in WWE throughout its history. So how appropriate is it, that President Trump was also in WWE? After all, he is the greatest Matadore of our time...

To watch the original episode click the link below "Los Matadores Lives from Mar-a-Lago"

Don't forget to subscribe to the @4VKMPodcast where we will be launching off on 2/21/2024. youtube.com/@4VKMPodcast

4VKM.com for all of your episodes you can watch in order!

Enjoy the show!

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