How Can I Help My Husband? Part 2

1 year ago

When a wife determines to help her husband find victory from sexual sin, she must be prepared to hear some very difficult, personal, and painful things. How can she provide the support and encouragement her husband needs without becoming controlled by the pain of these confessions? How can she wholeheartedly support without being demanding?

Kathy has given her life to helping women navigate these kinds of issues, because she was once in these same situations. In this video, she talks about some of the mistakes she made early on as she tried to help her husband Steve.

But God was working on her as well. As the Holy Spirit showed Kathy her own sinfulness and need for a savior, God enabled her to relate to Steve in an entirely new way. As a result, she and Steve were able to experience deeper fellowship in all areas of their lives through repentance, humility, and Kathy’s willingness to hear painful things. This was exactly the kind of support that Steve needed.

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