Prophet Julie Green - Live - The Tides Have Turned - Prophecy Only - Captions

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And so I know the Lord wants to give a word and that's why he's had me again. I have this prophecy up I was planning on giving it. I Try to give it twice last week and I couldn't and I don't think I'm gonna be able to today either but again, you guys know what I do I can have all the plans in the world that I want.
Sometimes I don't have a plan at all Sometimes I do, but either way, it's God's plan for you and I, every single time I get on here. Whether I'm on a stage or whether I'm behind this camera, I always want God to be in control of it because he knows what you need. He knows the exact words that have to be spoken in the earth on a daily basis.

No one knows more than God. He knows about more of the situations that he's been revealing to us. He can't reveal everything. But he knows, and so in this time, while we are waiting for this deliverance, we're waiting for this exodus, we're, we're waiting for God to show up and to show off. The beautiful thing is he knew three years ago and four years ago, we would not be strong enough spiritually.

A lot of people wouldn't [be able] to receive what's about to happen there. Or they would have automatically. You and I, a lot of people, and I'm saying this to myself too, but a lot of people would have automatically gone to the side of fear, panic, worry. They would have just given up, their hearts would have failed them, and their trusting in God.

If he would have been spending this time building us up in our most holy faith in Him, and what he's about to do, And get us to the point where we are more disciplined into focusing on him and not what we're seeing. We need to focus on him and not what our enemies are doing. We need to focus on him and not what our bodies are telling us.

And the symptoms in our bodies are saying, We need, right now, to be focused on God. Remember what he's been saying, those four F's? Firm focus foundation on the father right now We need to have that firm focus foundation on him more than any other time Because something and I know when I was about to get on this morning right before I was about to get on Like I said, I have this I had this prophecy up.

I have my screen shared So I was just about to share this word and I he he shifted it Because there's something that he's been showing me since the beginning of 2024 He's given us many prophetic words About 2024, but something is different about this year. All right, hold on a minute because I know he's about I want to let him speak.


For I The Lord, this day, I say to you, my children, do you see it? Do you see the tides have turned? The winds of change are here. Do you see more information is coming out day after day. Do you see the momentum has shifted? The momentum is on the side of truth. The momentum is on the side of life. The momentum is on the side of deliverance.

The momentum is on the side of freedom. Do you see it? Do you see my children? The volcano is about to erupt. The volcano of truth. Evidence upon evidence. Exposure upon exposure. One right after another. Do you see it? Do you see the flood of truth coming? Coming? It's coming like a flood. That flood is like a rapid flood.

Flowing and flowing. One flood after another. I filled this earth in Noah's day with water. To cleanse from the evil. Well, I have promised my children that I would never flood the earth like that again, but I am flooding the earth with my truth. My truth is filling this earth that will show the power of the wicked.

Yes, truth is coming. More proof! Like I've said, it's coming! The tides have turned. The winds have shifted. The momentum is on your side.

I told you, the winds of change are here! And they're pushing you up! And they're pushing you out! And they're pushing you over! Every single one of the enemies and all their schemes. All their plots and all their plans. Do you see how they're falling apart? Do you see their narrative flipping and failing?

Do you see them panicking? Do you see? No matter how much they've lied. The news media, like I've told you in the past, prophetic words that I have given out, the news media has to tell the truth. They can't hide it anymore. Just wait, just wait for the shocking revelation and the shocking truth and the evidence that's about to pour out and they will start to shout.

They have to speak it and they don't want to, but my children, there's a shot in the enemy's camps of refusal to tell the truth. But they're going to have to, but there's a shout in my camp with my children. There's a shout of truth. There's a shout of freedom because there is nothing that enemies can do, can deceive you any longer.

They can't keep their power. They can't keep their narrative alive. They can't keep the airwaves and the frequencies. No. The tides have turned, the momentum has shifted, a shift of power, a political power, of spiritual power is shifting and turning.

While the enemies are weakening, I am strengthening you. The days of Haman, everything they wanted against you, it's happening to them. They wanted to destroy your president, the rightful president. But their fake one is the one being destroyed. They wanted to lie and bring in indictments against the rightful president.

Well, not only I told you I'm bringing those indictments down, but just wait to see the indictments that are coming. Wait to see true indictments and true court cases. And I told you, you're going to hear the word tribunal more and more and more.

Civil courts are going to be filled with things. Of justice and truth, but so are military courts.

My children, the tides have turned in the injustice that has been plaguing your nations. Deception that's been controlling your nations. While justice is being served. And truth is being told. I will show you all the wolves in sheep's clothing. I will remove every mask. I will show you who is on the side of truth.

And who is a liar and a thief.

I will show you the deep roots of this establishment in your nation, oh United States.

I will show you how deep. I will show you how dark. I will show you exactly who they all went to. And not just people in the establishment in D. C., but all the people throughout this country. State levels, courts with judges. Lawyers, corporations, Hollywood, how they've all were part of those roots of the establishment.

And of course, of course, the lying media. I will show you all the things that they hid from you. I will show you all the scripts. I've told you these things

and deleted emails, deleted evidence, no matter what it was for and what it was about. I have it all and it's coming out. It's about to pour out.

There was things hidden with January 6th. There's been things hidden, of course, you know, with Hillary and all those deleted emails. It goes far beyond these things.

I will show you the hidden servers. I will show you all these things that they were doing. All the fake accounts. I will show you all their burner phones. I will show you all their text messages. You will hear their phone calls. You will hear these things. You will see videos that have not come out yet, because videos about the surface, about so many things regarding your White House, and so many things regarding the Supreme Court, and so many things regarding the Capitol, and then with the Congress, and with the Senate.

I am showing you all the proof, all the proof, all the proof, all the proof is coming out.

Deleted evidence? Ha! They can't delete things. Well, they think in their way, but I have my way. So my children in this time where the tides have turned, momentum is in on your behalf and it's going in your way, in your direction,

power is shifting. Narratives are changing.

The winds of change are changing more than you realize. Yes, they're changing governments. They're changing your judicial system. They're changing judges. They're changing laws.

They're also tearing down an illegitimate corporation in this nation.

A corporation that has held you. A corporation that has stolen from you

in so many ways.

This corporation It's going to be exposed to the fullest.

It's going to be dis It is going to be disarmed, but also annihilated. I am bringing this corporation to nothing that has held you, oh United States! And everything it brought to you. Every evil, wicked scheme of the enemy that this corporation brought into this nation.

I'm exposing it and destroying it.

Your lives are about to change in a major way. Things that you didn't even know that were against you. Things that you thought were completely normal in a way of life. I'm going to expose that was another form of corruption. There was another form of slavery and bondage.

So my children, in this hour, the power is shifting.

Your enemies are retreating. They're falling apart. They're turning on each other. Watch. You will see them fall. You will see them turn on each other.

Whistleblowers are going to come forward even more in this hour.

Whistleblowers that I have held back until this time. Computers are going to surface and the evidence and these computers will not be suppressed any longer. There are so many computers. That have so much proof that we're held to the right time.

So hold on, because the winds have changed, the tide has turned, the momentum has shifted, and the enemy's narrative is being destroyed day by day.

I will have my way.

I will have my way in this day. I will have my way in this hour of power. The tides have turned momentum has shifted power, power, people in this hour are about to lose their power.

So get ready for not only upsets, get ready for shot, get ready for off, but get ready to celebrate and stay focused on my word and stay focused on me because you will see me. at work. You will see me and my authority. You will see me and what I'm about to do for not only this nation, the nations around the world.

I have heard your cries. I have heard your prayers. And I am answering them for you. This is the hour and this is the time where I am about to pour out my spirit like never before upon this earth.

And you will see me turn things for your good, that I am good, that I am your father, that I am your protector, that I am your deliverer, because this is the hour. That time, 2024 is a year of more, more of me. You will see. Stay at the Lord. Hallelujah. So in this hour of power. In this hour, so right before I got on and I knew that's why I knew he was gonna have a word because he kept saying the tides have turned, the tides have turned, the tides have turned, and when he repeats himself like that, then I know either he's going to give me a teaching, a revelation, or he's going to give me a prophetic word.

And so then all of a sudden, right before I got on and I knew he was going to do something, I'm like, okay, he actually wants to give a word out. So, praise the Lord. The momentum is on our side. I don't know if you guys can feel that. I can feel it. Since January 1st, like, right now, our team is getting all this information together to start pouring out a whole bunch of videos.

Of prophecies being fulfilled it's coming so fast and like it's rapid fire And it's like we want you guys to see all the things that god has said in the past three years And what is coming to pass now in the news because god's prophecies aren't god's giving us the news before the news And so, I want you guys to see these things, because it's God.

I want to encourage you that this is God. God has been saying these things. God has been doing these things. And God is saying it is the time for Him. And what He said in that prophecy was so powerful. And He's given me something similar to that before in the past. Where he used Noah in the ark and he used the time of the flood when he flooded the earth because of how much evil was in the earth of Noah's day.

And remember he said in the last days it would be like the days of Noah. Well what did he do in the days of Noah? He had to flood the earth with water in order to get rid of the wicked. In order to get rid of the evil. But he promised Noah, and that's why we see the rainbow. It doesn't stand for what the evil people want us to believe it stands for.

But it stands for God's promise. So you see what Satan does with every single thing that God does, he always twists it. The rainbow is a beautiful thing. That rainbow stands for a promise. He showed that rainbow to Noah and that was a promise to him. Remember he shows signs of the sun, signs of the moon and the sky.

And that sign to Noah was I'm never going to flood the earth like that again. He never said he wasn't going to flood the earth. He said I wasn't gonna flood like that again, like with what? With water. But he's been telling us truth. He's been saying the truth is gonna come like a flood. Well that, in that prophetic word where he said, that truth is going to flood the earth.

Now look what it did. He's just showing me this now. Okay, in Noah's time, When the when the waters came and they shut the ark the door to the ark and everything was destroyed You know if you live in flood zones And of course we because I live by the Mississippi River and we've seen you know The damage that a flood can do it's just damaging to everything in its path pretty much But this kind of flood in Noah's day was so bad.

You couldn't see there was nothing nothing was survived

but God In that flood it destroyed everything but he started anew and so when the waters receded remember then the dove came with the the the twig in his mouth which showed noah that there was something new starting that they're about to get out of that boat and start their new life God is telling us in this day in this time when he's saying he's gonna flood there's like he said that prophecy He's flooding the earth With truth.

It's going to destroy, annihilate, completely damage all of the plot plans and schemes of the enemy. Everything that they had that was destructive to you and I. When this truth comes out, as forceful as this truth is going to be. Because it will be. A flood. Again, he's using the example of a flood. A flood, or like a raging flood, like a raging river.

It just destroys. He also used it as a volcano. I think he mentioned a volcano in that prophecy he just gave. And also he's mentioned before in the past of an avalanche. These are all natural disasters that cause much damage. Okay, anything in its path it will destroy it But just like with a volcano or just like with a flood there's fresh or like a fire like a wildfire It destroys everything in its path and then it will actually bring it back better It's like a refresh or restart and so what God is telling us in this time the earth has been filled with so much wickedness And so much destruction, so much lies that have been destroying us in so many ways.

And God is saying what He is going to do is He's going to fill this earth with the truth. And when He does that, it's going to annihilate all of the wicked and everything that has been going on. That has been destructive against us. He's destroying it and he's starting a new and what is he doing his glory?

It's been talking about his glory has been talking about revival fire He's been talking about that. He is going to start revivals all over this world and and another thing He said so not only is he gonna fill the earth with truth like a flood But he's also given another prophetic word. He's gonna fill this earth with his glory and God's glory represents God's presence, God's power and God's goodness.

God's glory is, it represents God's presence, God's power. God's goodness and so when he fills the earth with what with himself and that's gonna what? refresh renew restore Rejuvenate he's gonna do these things. And so right now while we are waiting for this to happen Just like Noah had to wait and that ark when everything was flooded around him.

Everything was destroyed around him He was in that ark And he was waiting for those water to recede and for him to have a sign that they were going to about to get out of that boat and start their new life where God is telling us that we are about to start that new life. But again, before this comes destruction, so you're going to start seeing God destroy the power of the wicked.

And if you think about how Noah and his family would have felt on that ark, everything in the world was destroyed, every tree, everything, everything was destroyed. You know, of course, they had all the animals on the boat, on the ark. I mean, it destroyed everything and its path to start anew. And so right now, what God is telling us, and even though we may see certain things, like again, what do you think Noah's family felt when there was nothing but water 40 days?

Nothing. They saw nothing. What do you think the Israelites felt when they were in Goshen? They saw destruction. They saw chaos. They saw mayhem. They saw unusual things that they had never seen before, ever. And they saw it, but it was that destruction of the power of the wicked right before a new thing.

And so that's what God is telling us. God does a new thing.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The captioned full video may be watched here:


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