15th Law of Illuminati

4 months ago

There can only be one boss and their can only be one head of the House.

Respect the family and its structure---know your role and your place. Too many cooks will spoil the soup and too many managers will create chaos. Somewhere it was written that. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” Respect the boss and the leader of the House for your time will come. 4112 to #’s. 343 characters. 79 words. (369)

No credit was given to Jesus. Matthew 6:24

No credit is given to Jesus because Freemasons
openly worship Lucifer not Jesus Christ. Jesus= 74. Lucifer= 74

Let’s just put it this way to you. Jesus Christ doesn’t make any of us swear an Oath to follow him. Jesus Christ went through all the pain and suffering so that we wouldn’t have to go through the same pain as he did. All Freemasons are required to perform rituals in order to advance to another degree. Jesus Christ is not a game of brothers in competition with each other to gain a higher power because there is no other power greater than Jesus Christ. (369 Characters)

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