1 year ago

Please vote NO on HB2739. URGENT! The Hearing is Tomorrow – Wednesday, February 14th
We very much appreciate your advocacy and ask you to reach out to the following. Let these representatives in Arizona know you oppose HB2739.  Send emails to the following members:
Regulatory Affairs Committee Members
Rep. Laurin Hendrix, Chair: LHENDRIX@azleg.gov
Rep. Cory McGarr, Vice Chair: CMCGARR@azleg.gov
Rep. Quantá Crews: QCREWS@azleg.gov
Rep. Alma Hernandez: AHERNANDEZ@azleg.gov
Rep. Kevin Payne: KPAYNE@azleg.gov 
Rep. Michele Peña:  MPENA@azleg.gov
Bill Sponsors
Rep. Laurin Hendrix, Regulatory Affairs Committee Member
Rep. John Gillette, JGillette@azleg.gov
Rep. Justin Heap, JHeap@azleg.gov
Rep. Rachel Jones, Rachel.Jones@azleg.gov
Rep. Alexander Kolodin, AKolodin@azleg.gov
Rep. David Marshall, Sr., DMArshall@azleg.gov
Rep. Cory McGarr, Regulatory Affairs Committee Member
Rep. Barbara Parker, BParker@azleg.gov
Rep. Jaqueline Parker, JParker@azleg.gov
Rep. Austin Smith, Austin.Smith@azleg.gov

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