STE-004 CD 42 no body knows its begun under the sun lifes begun born again for such a time_v

6 months ago

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and here:

Nicholas Mazzio
Lauren Mazzio
The Rain

The Rain - official channel
Nicholas Mazzio
Lauren Mazzio
The Rain - artist channel

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About Us:

This world is a dry and weary land.

All around us are people dying for a drink of fresh, new life.

In the Bible, drought and famine were used as a symbol of the lack or withdrawal of God's blessing.

Like the prodigal son and the lost sheep, we have all chosen to leave the safety and security of God's love and favor, enticed by our own lusts and the alluring but empty and deadly deceptions of the enemy of our souls.

We find ourselves lost, alone, broken, hungry, thirsty and on the brink of death.

But none have strayed so far that they cannot return.

Jesus actively seeks and works to rescue every last one of His precious souls redeemed from destruction by the very high price of His spotless life and terrible death on their behalf.

As the world departs further and further from God, and you find yourself in a dark, lonely desert place longing for hope, faith, love and a future, remember that Jesus loves you.

Cry out to Him for help and surrender your life back to Him.

He promised He would take you back, always.

We pray the music ministry of The Rain refreshes your dry and weary soul, and opens your heart for the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in these end times.

Nicholas and Lauren Mazzio - The Rain

Born of a promise and commission found in Isaiah 58, The Rain is a dynamic and energy filled music ministry creating a uniquely crafted sound by singer songwriter Nicholas Mazzio. His unique, signature style blends the broadest spectrum of classic rock with soaring classical orchestration.

"God is a God of awesomeness, and music glorifying Him should be as powerful and majestic as He is." The Rain

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All our songs are available for free download here:

And if you want to use any of the instrumental tracks to sing to at your church or other live function, please feel free! We would love that. We love radio play too! Feel free to play any and all songs and tracks on your radio station or website if you have one. Spreading God's love through music makes us happy. God inhabits the praise of His people!

Nick and Lauren

Copyrighted Content Owned By Nicholas Mazzio and Lauren Mazzio, all rights reserved
All our songs are free for download:

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