The Most Significant Artifacts of Humanity. Spear of Destiny. Holy Lance. Lance of Logniuns

1 year ago

The Spear of Destiny or Holy Lance is an amazing artifact shrouded in mystery. Since ancient times, numerous rulers strived to possess it. According to the legend, the one who possesses it and understands which powers it serves holds the fate of the world in his hands.
✅Where is the original Spear of Destiny stored now?
✅What is the history of its origin, and what versions exist?
✅What rulers of the world possessed it?
✅A new view on the history of the legionary Longinus and the Holy Lance.

In this video, discover the answers to these and many other questions, as well as interesting theories based on the information from the books by Anastasia Novykh.

Here you can download Sensei IV book as well as other books by Anastasia Novykh for free:

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