We Haven't Seen A Sweeter Thing Than A Goat And Coyote Playing

6 years ago

We have been babbling on and on about these interspecies friendships. You know, the ones where two highly unlikely individuals become bestest of friends, despite nature’s odds. We have seen the cat and the dog, we have seen the cat and the mouse, we have even seen a dog, cat and rat being best friends. Of course, there are a whole lot of other animals out there who have learned to put their own differences aside and forge a tight bond between each other. But we have yet to see a friendship like this one!

Under normal circumstance, a coyote and a goat would be predator and prey. Having them in the same yard would be ludicrous, not to mention in the same room. That is not the case for these two.

A woman in Kuna, Idaho has two of the most unusual pets in the land. She has a pet coyote and a pet Pygmy goat. As pets go, both have access to the woman’s house, where they love to jump on the furniture and chase each other around.

We think it is safe to assume that they have constant access to plenty of goat chow and coyote chow, whatever that is, because otherwise we doubt these two would have been such best friends as they are in this clip. They have set their differences aside and decided they have a lot in common, so why not?

Let’s just hope the goat doesn’t run off and make some other friends...

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