1975 NSA-CIA Heart Attack Gun! from C-SPAN

8 months ago

1975 NSA-C👁️A Heart Attack Gun!! Have You ever Wondered HOW So Few People, can have so much Control, over so many People? It's Not just Gag Order Signed Contracts, or the fear of Prison, That Keeps Everyone in line! The Fear of Death! That's What Keeps Everyone in Line! Can You imagine what kind of Devices they have NOW, to introduce the Highly Toxic Venom from the Indonesia Cone Snail!? That's why They Pushed Everybody from Faith! So They would be in Fear! Trust Me, I'm Not Scared to Die! For Me, it is just a Change of Address!✝️Have Faith Warriors! They may Take My Life! But They'll Never Take My Soul! We Must Unite as One and Start Fighting these Parasites on OUR Planet! 🙏🆘🙏

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