Professor of Oncology, Angus Dalgleish, pleads for an urgent stop to

9 months ago

Professor of Oncology, Angus Dalgleish, pleads for an urgent stop to the dangerous and ineffective experimental injections after seeing cancers "rapidly return" following the jab

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Every anon was telling people in the summer of 2020, months before the jab roll out to NOT take the shots...the masses never listened. How did we know? We were not experts, we were not Doctors, so how did we know. Well we have a functional pineal gland, we had good discernment, we have been doing our own research for many years, decades. We had the ability to see patterns, and over many years, we had the tenacity, the courage to speak our minds, we did not care if we stood out from the herd. We also listened to these people....

Trusted Patriot Doctors

Dr. David E. Martin
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Prof. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr. Rashid A Buttar
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Heiko Schöning
Dr. Sam White
Prof. Kary Banks Mullis (PCR Developer)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Dr. Sam Bailey
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Judy Mikvovitz
Dr. Jessica Rose

and many more like those listed above. Many of these Doctors said in the Summer of 2020 that the jabs would cause auto-immune diseases...that's Vaccine induced AIDS, or VAIDS; and auto-inflammatory diseases...myocarditis etc etc. We also listened to arseholes such as Dr. Anthony Fauci who said Masks do not work, then six months later he said wear two masks. Come on, please. Wake up. For us anons it was about saving as many lives as we could but we got ridiculed, victimised, and shamed for it, and still to this day we have had no apology. We were never in the bullshit game of "I told you so" , it was just about getting you to snap out of the deep-mind programming, to get you to read and watch our findings. It's not easy knowing what we know, the evil that we have uncovered and had to carry it in our minds; the burden of research. What is seen often cannot be unseen, so we have had to endure the pain of knowing the evil existing around us, behind the fake smiles of the media, celebrities, and politicians. Soon the world will go through the storm of all storms, we hope our efforts and especially those of the Doctors listed above managed to save more lives than we have lost.

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