#PoliceCorruption with The UNLAWFUL Arrest of Billy - Police aiding and abetting a civil matter...!

10 months ago

*UPDATE 1 - Video;

• POLICE Think They Are Boss! - Have De...
The bailiffs came and the police assisted the repossession... a few days later, Billy had his house retaken back off the bailiffs and the police by the people... [end of update 1] - *Original Description - Since when did the British police start aiding and abetting the criminal cabal? Maybe it was when they sold their souls to the Devil when they joined the police FARCE...!

These video recordings have been sent to myself to upload and highlight what happened early this morning 1 August 2023. The police colluded in a civil matter and turned up with multiple police officers and multiple police vehicles before placing a cordon on the street as if it was a crime scene.

These videos prove that the criminal cabal use the police in civil matters and appear to present themselves as a private army for the cabal...

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