expect anything i touch to turn into that same mess n a half

4 months ago

and another thing will surely be under cover
i'm a lot better when i'm on my knees
Lord pretty plz do this for me, that's a way better state
be prepared to get scorned n mocked by people who can't help themselves in their secular state
if they don't understand they'll assume that you're wrong
they'll never realize this about themselves
it's MY job to understand my experience
really blessed to not expect any better
getting offended ain't gon change their mind
i had to get over hurtful words
you don't have to have a vagina to act like you have a vagina
i can't help myself, sorry twitterheads
if i do that, don't think we did it on purpose, it means that i fucked up the "song"
we gotta go to work, holy shit i totally lost track of "time"
the sink does not look good
i suppose i could call another plumber but i just want it to be simple damnit
corporations ruin everything
the water didn't go down at all haha
people, places n things tend to copy me
you can't stop chin flab, just accept it
i can't walk around like this all the time

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