Government Should Focus On A TRUELY Medicinal Form Of Cannabis, Leave Rec. To The People - Check it

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Modern cannabis is only as medicinal as it is inherently so, and those facts have still yet to be proven. Not until 2022 did the FDA back off of Cannabis Research and mostly only for Hemp to further their theft of CBD therapeutics for Seizure activity from the Stanley Brothers. but for a TRUELY start from scratch let's reverse tumor growth strain, nothing. Lots of new Strains, none that have focused on much else besides THC and Playing with Terpenes. While the consensus is that the synergistic implications will lead us to the medicinal, why isn't the government of these states working more towards true medicinal product, and leaving the recreational to the people? Rather they wish to steal to people's ideas, and UTILISE them to place Elite Cannabis Businesses, elite only in their finances not their knowledge as that knowledge is bought off the street, utilising them to further their own goals, whatever those hidden agendas are. . . as it certainly isn't a viable market plan to put 60% of cannabis Entrepreneurial liscencingin the highest violent crime ridden areas in Maryland, but that's what they've done. let's talk.


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