Article 4662 Video - International Public Notice: Lincoln's "Nation" By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4662 Video - International Public Notice: Lincoln's "Nation" - Monday, February 12, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals

It was my Grandmother who first rolled her eyes toward the heavens and squinted when I brought home an invitation to a "Lincoln Day Dinner" --- a potluck, being hosted by the local Republican Political Party as a fundraiser for their candidates.

She didn't like Lincoln. No American who actually knew the man did, and everyone winced at his nickname, "Honest Abe", because it was a cynical comment on his true character, which was the exact opposite of his sanctimonious public persona.

Today marks the 215th Birthday of this consummate Swindler, and to this day, even Wikipedia tells us that he was born at "Sinking Spring Farm, Kentucky, U.S."

This is a veiled disclosure of what every American should know about Lincoln. He was born as a Territorial Citizen -- a U.S. Citizen, an Englishman here under the auspices of the Residence Act. Not only that, in 1834, he was admitted as a full member of the Illinois Bar Association.

Lincoln was completely, fully, admittedly, in your face a Brit, a devotee of her Royal Britannic Majesty, Queen Victoria of England --- and had been since birth.

Abraham Lincoln came from an old English family whose Hallmarks still stand in Lincolnshire in England; they made no bones about where they stood during the Revolution ---they were avid Tories who fled to the hinterlands of Kentucky to escape persecution after the Revolutionary War.

This is who Abraham Lincoln truly was, yet virtually nobody in America knew this about him; it was certainly never exposed in any of his electioneering efforts, nor discussed during his Presidency. It has been firmly suppressed ever afterward, but Lincoln himself made no big secret of it.

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