Week 1 Day 2 40 Days of Prayer - KNEEL DOWN IN SURRENDER ROMANS 12:1–2

4 months ago

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WEEK 1 Day 2


In the past several years, I battled with God over control of my life. In a period of crisis, His Spirit showed me that my desire for control was rooted in a lack of trust. Did I truly believe God was who He said He was and could do what He said He would do? When the world was telling me and showing me that no one was trustworthy, did I believe God could be trusted to not break my heart? Did I believe God’s plans were meant for good? I begged Him to help my unbelief. As I made progress, I was frustrated that I kept struggling with taking back control. As I talked (yelled) to God about this, His Spirit spoke into me: “Manna for today.” “No,” I said, “make it now. You can make this struggle and battle go away.” But I knew His way was best, that by daily handing my control over to Him and submitting to His will, I would begin each day in a posture of humility, knowing I could do none of this on my own. If He made it so I could easily do it, I would forget that it is He that is doing it in me. So, I begin every day asking God to use me as He wills, in however gives Him the most glory. I ask that I would follow His desires and not my own and that I would remember He is God and I am not.


Lord, it is so easy to look at what is happening right in front of us and make choices on our own. But You know the whole picture and what is best for us. Help us to daily lay down our lives and plans and seek Your perfect way. Show us Your will as we walk throughout our day. Show us what is good and acceptable and perfect. In this, help us show the world who You are—only by Your grace. Amen
By RAYNA STRONG Rayna and her husband, Brian, live in rural Ohio and are members and servants of Clear Fork Alliance Church. They have two adult sons and daughters-in-law. In 2022, Rayna began working at the National Office as the administrative assistant for Global Link.
Let’s go Deeper: ROMANS 12:1–2

Romans 12:1-2 New International Version
A Living Sacrifice
12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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