Stars Have Fallen

1 year ago

Stars Have Fallen - I started writing this song for my beautiful, sweet Cousin Alice who passed away recently. As I got into it, I started thinking about the epic McCullough Family reunions over my lifetime and all the family members who were there and are no longer with us. This song is for all of my family and friends that I've lost here in this earthly existence. Will see them in Heaven.

Stars Have Fallen
Written by Gary D. Ward
© Gary D. Ward, All rights reserved

Another year is gone, at midnight
and somehow we have managed to survive
Some stars have fallen yet the world keeps moving on
But they will always be here in our minds

For a time, our hearts are breaking
there will be days when we can only wonder why
On to another realm, they leave this world behind
and we’ll have to learn to live with this in time

And the world’s a little darker,
it just feels like something’s wrong
still we will all keep going, and sing another song
But with the memories of their lives, we will get on
Because although these stars have fallen
their love will still live on

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