Tucker Carlson Reveals Why He Wanted to Interview Putin

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson Reveals Why He Wanted to Interview Putin

🔥 “Because they told me I couldn’t.” 🔥

Tucker is still infuriated that the U.S. government spied on him illegally and leaked his communications, which spooked the Russian government into canceling a previously planned interview with Putin.

“I’m 54. I pay my taxes. I obey the law. And there was no expectation in the America that I grew up in that my government and its intel services, NSA and CIA, which were always outwardly focused on our foreign enemies, would be turned inward against American citizens.

“And I’m shocked by that, and I’m infuriated by that. And so, once I discovered that that was happening, and I confirmed it was happening, and they admitted that they did it, then I was totally determined, monomaniacally dedicated to doing this interview.”

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