YYV2C8 Yada Yahowah Observations Covenant He Trusted And He Was Right…

1 year ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:07 Yahowah would meet with ‘Abraham on seven occasions to convey and bestow His Covenant.
0:01:57 “Zera’ – seed” is always singular in Hebrew, but it speaks of many “descendants, offspring, and children.”
0:05:09 As a point of reference, Bethel is approximately ten miles due north of Jerusalem, a city that did not exist at the time, on the border between ancient Yahuwdah and Yisra’el.
0:10:35 Since the Earth has a finite life, since our planet will be demolished in year 7000 Yah when God destroys the existing universe to create a new one...
0:13:25 While it won’t do an unthinking Christian any good, the correlation between ‘Abram’s seed in the singular form being equated to the dust of the earth obliterates Paul’s proposition in Galatians...
0:23:37 Hineh is especially prevalent during Yahowah’s discussions with ‘Abraham, Sarah, and Yitschaq – the first to participate in the Covenant.
0:27:19 This suggests that hineh provides the proper perspective to equip us to receive the benefits of the Covenant.
0:40:16 It is Yahowah’s Covenant, His Family, His Home, His Land, His Towrah, and His Way.
0:55:35 My favorite part of God’s introduction is the emphasis on companionship and enablement.
1:02:14 By using saphar, the Hebrew word for “written document and book,” the Christian propensity to misrepresent the Word of God by calling their grossly errant and inappropriately augmented collection of texts a “Bible” is torn asunder.
1:05:45 The moment we come to know, understand, accept, and act upon the Covenant’s conditions as they are being recorded herein for our benefit, we are “yakol – granted the capacity to experience something extraordinary,” which is to live with Yahowah in His home.
1:10:29 We have learned that ‘Abram accompanied Yahowah to the stars and beyond.
1:11:54 In light of the evidence God has provided, it is reasonable to conclude that Yahowah wants us to know that “belief” has no value, and that “faith” is counterproductive.

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