We are the "Repenters" who know true forgiveness in Christ. 2/12/24 Naples

11 months ago

I am excited about what is happening right now. Traitor Joe is TRULY "Joe Dementia", just listen to how MUCH HE HAS FORGOTTEN and all the other traitors like BO are in a panic too, they don't know what to do because their "sin is finding them out." Numbers 32:23 The most important thing to pray right now is REPENTENCE, I will be teaching in Luke 13:1-6 tonight in my Mandarin Chinese Bible study. Pray, we should know (you too Joel Olsteen) that with repentance, there is no salvation. Luke 13:3 "No, I tell you, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
February 12th, 2024 Naples, Florida www.mefoundation.world We are true "Repenters" and all us need to be as well.

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