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15 seconds

Learning the guitar- Day 5- clip 8

1 year ago

Disclaimer: I actually have 436 songs in my library of great artists who have inspired me. I paid for each song and I would never wish to profit off them, I’m simply using the art they created to “find my rhythm”. In fact, I’m willing to give any profits from the videos with their art in it, to them. That’s assuming there will even be profits. The purpose of this channel and these videos is to learn to follow my dreams, and maybe make someone smile along the way or teach them to do the same, if anyone is watching. I’ve always wanted to learn the guitar, and this is my first take at creating content as well. Allow me to apologize in advance, I say “so” and “you know” a lot in the videos… What can I say, I just want to sow seed of joy, you know?.. Anyhow, I will try to get better at my on camera presence, this is my first week after all. Thanks for watching, cheers!


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