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What A Fun Way To Use A Gym Machine

7 years ago

When people get older, they might suffer from symptoms of osteoporosis and arthritis, or maybe limited flexibility and most probably feel the repercussions of all the past injuries. In most cases, this would might also mean that they have, over the years, developed a somewhat sedentary lifestyle.

But despair not. The silver lining is that most senior are firmly resolved not to let age slow them down. Using the right eating regime, dietary supplements and the right equipment, seniors can stay fit and get 30 minutes of exercise each day, which is recommended by all health counselors.

Not receiving proper guidance, albeit all your efforts and determination, can lead to unwanted health hazards, or as you can see in this video – epic fails.

Instead of treading lightly and building her strength in a gradual way, this woman has decided to opt straight for the Lat Pull-Down machine. This is used for building your back muscles and activating the entire posterior chain. However, we could bet that no one has instructed this old lady how to operate this machine, and even more, no one is actually supervising what sorts of exercises she is performing. Instead of pulling the grip towards her chest while sitting firm and upright, she is reclining her entire body backward, using the weights like some sort of a see-saw toy.

We may choose to see this and, but you must admit it as a cute way to have fun when you think no one is watching.

Now we have to try this ourselves!

Do you have any funny gym stories? Share them with us in the comment section!