Aerial Porcupine #2 - First Sighting & Field Inspection

1 year ago

AGAIN: These are posted here as things progressed (or didn't) and decided to go full disclosure and retain the original mind gear grinding:
At the time of posting, it's approaching 2 hours without sign of movement. Maybe just another case of freaking out over a species-usual place for a nap. Mere COINCIDENCE it picked the local raptor Boast Tree? Again: I glance out that window a lot (in kitchen where the coffee is). The refs confirm porkies in trees is normal but also that they do NOT play dead. Perhaps just coincidence it picked that one tree? Deliberate choice to snub nose at the raptors because of the quill shield? WHAT'S GOING ON?

A couple hours before I had noted a "typical" hawk in that tree, the Boast Tree as I call it as many use it as highest point / advertise their badassery. Thought to take a picture but had flown off by then. I WOULD HAVE NOTICED THAT BIG BLACK BLOB, thus it appeared in a short time span this morning.

The hawk was, I think, one of the big Red-Tailed pair. The Northern Harriers still around; large owl sighted a few nights ago (nothing to do with the small Eastern Screech Owl audio recently posted). And go figure, as I'm working in this time period gap, a large presumed raptor was glimpsed out the opposite window, sailing out to the upper fields. Too fast for much but did not strike me as anything extra-large like vulture size but suspect wasn't a coincidence.

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