The Criminal Medical System

1 year ago

The medical system started decentralized.
We had independent doctors throughout the country that had autonomy to treat their patients how they wished. And slowly, network hospitals consolidated the doctors, slowly centralizing authority and requiring that doctors follow the rules of those at the top. Centralization is also sold for it’s efficiency, but it has a crippling drawback that is rarely discussed - when power consolidates from the many to the few, when it falls in the wrong hands, the entire system will break. We see it in healthcare, in the school system, in our growing government, and at the Federal Reserve (which is not the government by the way). Centralization yields mediocrity at best. Nature is decentralized. I choose nature (credit to Dr. Jack Kruse for eloquently characterizing the concept of centralized medicine).

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EVERY Doctor has sworn a Hippocratic oath, they have a duty of care and a duty of responsibility. ALL those Doctors who sold their souls for money need to be hanged for genocide and/or crimes against humanity. Some have already been executed. The same applies to Big Pharma reps, Politicians, Police, Judges ALL of whom broke their oath. I will shed no tears as I see them dangle on ropes

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