229. How To Know If You Are Doing Enough In Your Homeschool: 4 Questions To Ask Yourself

11 months ago

Isn't it a little ironic that a homeschool mom pours her whole heart into educating her children and at the end of the day she wonders, "Am I doing enough?'
But we've all been there or are currently there. I have a sneaking suspicion that you are there right now. And that is okay.
I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to wonder if you are doing enough. It's what you do with those thoughts that matters the most.
But let's have a heart to heart because I have 4 questions that I want you to answer today. They'll reveal the truth behind whether you really are doing enough in your homeschool or not.
Grab that warm cup of your favorite drink and your journal and let's have a chat.
♥ Leigh

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