ReVisitng Smugglers Run II Using a Viewer’s Suggestions | Easy Full Auto??

1 year ago

Spoiler alert: in this video, my ass holes lose! No surprise there as EVERY time I try to do something cool while recording, it DOESN’T happen.

Regardless, I did complete this on full auto pretty quickly while
I was at work (hence why I decided to make the video). I set this team up, hit auto and put my phone down and in a matter of a few minutes, I saw my screen was blank (implying the battle was over and auto-lock took over). I assumed I had lost but when I unlocked, I was pleasantly surprised to see a “VICTORY” in my face.

Maybe this video was a failure because I didn’t allow it to full auto. This video I kept influencing what was going to happen, so maybe if I just let it do it’s thing (like the first round, off camera) this would have been a success. Maybe it’s also an RNG thing, and it just felt like working overtime AGAINST me. Who knows.

In any case, this is a fail (which PISSES me off) but I’m telling you, it was highly successful off camera.

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