YYV2C7 Yada Yahowah Observations Covenant The Promised Land Away from Your Country…

11 months ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:07 Based on what Yahowah revealed through His prophet, Yasha’yah, we decided to thoroughly investigate His use of hineh | pay attention throughout Bare’syth – the opening book of the Towrah.
0:05:06 You get the picture. Babylon, as the birthplace of institutionalized religion, was a contemptible habitat awash in corruption.
0:10:04 Lowt, following in his father’s footsteps, went in the wrong direction and chose to live in Sodom.
0:17:39 Yahowah has added two more names to His list of bad places.
0:21:59 Collectively, religious conservatives and political liberals created the cultures, customs, and communities in which the plague of death had festered and grown.
0:28:44 It was here and now that Yahowah addressed ‘Abram.
0:33:12 There is no indication that Yahowah introduced Himself by name, and yet ‘Abram knew the identity of the voice addressing him.
0:45:27 Thank God, Yah is patient, that He does not demand perfection from us, and that He is willing to let us learn and grow at our own pace.
0:47:33 So here is the bottom line: Yahowah’s invitation was written and offered to all of us.
0:52:10 Thus far, Yahowah has only asked one thing from ‘Abram: that he walk away from his country, his culture, and his father’s influence to His Home.
0:54:41 Yahowah’s next statement is actually an affirmation of the first, along with a depiction of how He intends to deliver the benefit.
0:56:25 The primary meaning of barak is to “get down on one’s knees, lowering oneself to lift another up, invoking favor upon someone who is held in the highest regard.”
1:05:25 If I am translating and interpreting this statement accurately, then Yahowah is affirming something extraordinarily important.
1:09:21 In reality, the false prophet and founder of the Christian religion, and the author of over half of its New Testament, was wrong on all accounts.
1:15:22 You, of course, are encouraged to conduct your own investigation and determine for yourself what mishpachah means.

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