Time for change in Rochdale and throughout Britain in 2024

11 months ago

Time for change in Rochdale and throughout Britain in 2024

I've never subscribed to the lesser of two evils theorem because that way evil always wins and the centre of gravity of the evil tilts ever further. To more and more evilness.

For me, Conservative and Labour are two cheeks of the same backside. They're just an arse, a collective arse. Two of them, exactly the same. And if you ask me, in Britain, Keir Starmer is without doubt the greater of two evils.

He'd lead us into more war, he'd lead us into more misery, he'd lead us into more division in the country even than the twerp, the inky fingered clerk of empire currently sitting in 10 Downing Street.

There are plenty of people that you can vote for in Britain. my own party, the Workers Party of Britain, will be fielding candidates in up to 50 constituencies, and we're looking for candidates now. Anyone who's interested in being a candidate for the Workers party in the parliamentary election later this year should contact me, us urgently. But there are also independent standing everywhere. If I win the byelection on the 29th in Rochdale, there'll be plenty of independence standing here for the council seats in May and the following May and the following May.

There's a change going on inside British politics.

#BoycottLabour #RochdaleByElection #StarmerOut #WorkersPartyGB #GeorgeGalloway #Galloway4Rochdale

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