2/12/24 Love Like Unto a Brother "The Holiday About Love" part 1 S4E4p1

1 year ago

2/12/24 Love Like Unto a Brother "The Holiday About Love" part 1
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we’re talking about love! Since Valentine’s Day is this week, our focus all week long is about love, starting with Philia, brotherly love. English is a beautiful language, but in many ways also a lazy one, and in English we squish all the different facets of love into a single word: love. But the concept of love is actually multi-faceted, and better understanding its different aspects can help us also better understand God. Watch for a different format this week, friends! Details about the changes to expect, how to get the most out of it, and the reasons for it all are in today’s full show. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International. Welcome to the show.

This week we’re trying a new scheduling format for our Biblical look at love in this Valentine’s Day season: 3 shows instead of 5 (M,W,F) with content Tuesday and Thursday exclusively at somethingshappeninghere.locals.com.

Season 4 Episode 4
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#PhiliaLove #ValentinesDayFocus #LoveInEnglish #UnderstandingGodsLove #DifferentFacetsOfLove #SpiritualLoveJourney #ValentinesWeek #LoveAndFaith #DivineLoveConcepts #somethingshappeninghere

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