A groovy journey through All Day Tattoo Studio's in Bangkok, Thailand

4 months ago

By chance, I met a woman at the Terminal 21 food court in Bangkok, Thailand. She had some beautiful, very colourful tattoos. We began talking about the quality of the work and I asked her where she had got it done. It truly was stunning. She said, All Day Tattoo Studio's on Sukhumvit road in Phrom Phong, one stop away on the Sky Train from Terminal 21. Needless to say, that is where I went to get the tattoo I had wanted for years. The owner & fearless leader, Luca, was so gracious & kind. He allowed me to film anything I liked & go wherever I wanted to go within the studio. No holds barred. He even gave me a guide, one of the awesome managerial staff members, to walk me around. This is the video that came together from this experience.

Luca sat down with me on another day as well. We did a full, open interview. That video is in the works.

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