Article 4659 Video - International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 4659 Video - International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution - Sunday, February 11, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

We are born and instantly, we are "given" a name, a nationality, a religion, a race, a color, a kind, a caste, a socio-political status, a blood type, a genome-type, a family tree, a financial rating, a bond, a certificate for what we are worth as a bonded commodity.... We don't choose any of this.

Our identity is thus arbitrarily defined and imposed on us by the world that men have created. The world "system" immediately clamps down on us and starts defining and limiting us and shaping us for its purposes and convenience, not ours.

And we are babies. We don't know that this is happening or why. We are Innocents; we accept these "gifts" along with Mother's milk.

Most people are deluded from the outset and stay deluded their entire lives. Someone calls them by a name, so they identify themselves with that name, and take it as Gospel that that is who they are and that they are what their name means.

They become the definition of their name, instead of their name becoming an instrumentality for their use.

A name is actually a gifted bit of material property interest, akin to a bookcase or a bicycle; if your parents are wise, they record it in public, together with a property description, prior to the worldly government getting a chance to register it and copyright it for their use.

"A son, James Allen, born to Richard and Anna Lee of Clivedyf Circle, Edinburgh, Scotland, on the twenty-third of March 1968" is a property description recorded and published in the local newspaper as a "Birth Announcement".

It establishes who, what, when, where, and precisely which "James Allen Lee" we are talking about and also who this "James Allen Lee" belongs to, therefore, who is responsible for his upkeep, and also which nation he belongs to, and what law applies to him.

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