Fox News Montage of Biden WH Repeatedly Slamming Special Counsel Hur’s Report for Being ‘Gratuitous’

4 months ago

SAMS: “You’re left to wonder why this report spends time making gratuitous and inappropriate criticisms of the president- (...) Former Attorney General Eric Holder said the report, quote, ‘contains way too many gratuitous remarks.’ (...) The gratuitous remarks... (...) The gratuitous comments... (...) They’re saying it’s gratuitous. (...) We certainly agree that it’s gratuitous. (...) The gratuitous comments in that report... (...) ...and the gratuitous comments in the report are troubling and they are inappropriate.”
Jean-Pierre: “The reality is, that report, that part of the report does not live in reality. It just doesn’t.”
DOOCY: “So the special counsel is lying about the president’s memory?”
Jean-Pierre: “It is — it is — it was gratuitous, it is unacceptable, and it does not live in reality. That is just the facts.”
Harris: “The comments that were made by that prosecutor: gratuitous, inaccurate, and inappropriate.”

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