Logocentrifugal 93 - Andrew "Steven Motherf*cking Seagal" Tate

5 months ago

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Logocentrifugal Podcast 93 - Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate is a fascinating character.

He's a natural showman, yet he's wrapped up inside the mind and body of a lifelong fighter. This conversation needed little in the way of a host, Andrew was ready to talk with just a hint prodding along any direction. He also shaped the conversation to travel the roads he wanted to drive along.

In a conversational podcast like mine, this is something I encourage in my guests, because I want them to tell their story and pick their brains for useful bit of wisdom or to highlight certain parts of their mentality in a way that leaves the listener able to form their own judgments. Andrew needs no encouragement in this department. Part of that is because he has a message that he's committed to, and part of that is because he's prepared to accept the consequences of his words - whatever they may be - both of which are rare traits.

This is the source of my respect for Andrew Tate.

There are many things I disagree with him on, and there are a couple of things in which Andrew engages which I strongly disagree with on a moral basis. That being said, my moral compass is not his, and from what I can tell, he's a man who operates according to principles and he sticks to them with uncommon tenacity.

He's a polarizing character in that way.

I'll let you decide what you think about Andrew Tate, and I'm sure you'll think some thoughts about the man after listening, but I'll tell you this as a final thought:

Andrew has told me he would do something on several occasions, and he's done so each time. I've had several conversations surrounding the man, and of those who have had direct interactions with him, they all say the same thing - he follows through, and is loyal in his relationships.

Thanks for tuning in.

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