20240211 Day 672 Part-3 - FAQs: “I want to work out but I don’t want to get too bulky.” Part-1

5 months ago

20240211 Day 672 Part-3
FAQs: “I want to work out but I don’t want to get too bulky.” Part-1: Beginner Gains
The fallacy that you can “get too bulky” or “musclebound” for whatever reason persists in the zeitgeist like a cockroach even though decades and millions of practitioners have proven this not to be the case.
I suspect this myth persists for 2 particular reasons.
The first is the phenomenon colloquially termed, “beginner gains.” Stress, response, adaptation right? Well, when you are new to training, ANY amount of physiological perturbation is going to result in a very robust response. There’s evidence, for instance, of beginners gaining muscle from extended bouts of cardio.
They individuals that retain the preconceived notion that they will get “bulky” may interpret their initial period of growth to their worst fear, but FEAR NOT! The 3-4 months to maybe a year of rapid performance gains is asymptotic and VERY quickly you begin to have to do a LOT more work to achieve marginal results. It levels off.
This is true even of the genetically elite. There’s reasons why people interested in the upper limits muscle hypertrophy resort to anabolics. You can only get so big EVEN if you do all the things. Even if you do everything you can correct.
Look at the world. Look at the many MILLIONS of people who to some extent wieght train. Social Media gives us a skewed, cracked mirror impression of what to expect.
To end the first part of this discussion, will you gain some muscle quickly at first? Most likely but a marginal amount to the order of maybe a few pounds. Then guess what? You’ll be like the rest of us on the struggle bus and you wish you took more advantage of the “noobie gainz” honeymoon period. That’s if you’re trying and doing the right things.
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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