Discover the significance of February 12 in the past

10 months ago

On February 12, a number of significant events have taken place throughout history. From groundbreaking inventions to major political events, this date has played a crucial role in shaping our world. Join us as we take a stroll down memory lane and explore the significance of February 12 in the past.

1554 Queen of England for nine days, Lady Jane Grey is executed for treason
1733 Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe at site of Savannah
1793 1st US fugitive slave law passed; requires return of escaped slaves
1825 Creek Indian treaty signed. Tribal chiefs agree to turn over all their land in Georgia to the government & migrate west by Sept 1, 1826
1855 Michigan State University established
1865 Henry Highland Garnet becomes the 1st African American minister to preach to the US House of Representatives, he talks about the end of slavery
1870 Utah becomes the second territory in the United States to pass a law allowing women the vote, after Wyoming in 1869
1873 US Congress passes the Coinage Act of 1873, abolishing bimetallism and placing the country on the gold standard
1879 1st artificial ice rink in North America (Madison Square Garden, NYC)
1909 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) forms
1914 Dedication ceremony for the about to be constructed Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
1921 Winston Churchill becomes British Minister of Colonies
1935 First secret demonstration of radio signals detecting aircraft by Robert Watson-Watt and Arnold Wilkins at Daventry, England
1937 Cleveland (now Los Angeles) Rams granted an NFL franchise
1941 First injection of penicillin into a patient by British physician Charles Fletcher at Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, England
1947 Daytime fireball & meteorite fall seen in eastern Siberia
1950 Albert Einstein warns against hydrogen bomb
1955 President Eisenhower sends 1st US advisors to South Vietnam
1959 The Lincoln Memorial design on the U.S. penny goes into circulation. It replaces the "sheaves of wheat" design
1962 Bus boycott starts in Macon, Georgia
1973 1st US POWs in North Vietnam released; 116 of 456 flown to Philippines
1984 Cale Yarborough, becomes 1st Daytona 500 qualifier, above 200 MPH
1987 Survivors of a black man murdered by KKK members awarded $7 M damages
1988 US Navy frigate USS Yorktown bumped by Russian frigate Bezzavetny in the Black Sea in dispute over right of innocent passage
1994 "The Scream" by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch (1893 pastel version) is stolen in Oslo
1997 Fred Goldman says he will settle for a signed murder confession from O.J. Simpson in lieu of his $20.5 million judgement
1998 Intel unveils its 1st graphics chip i740
1998 US district judge T Hogan declares line-item veto law unconstitutional
1999 US President Bill Clinton acquitted by the Senate in his impeachment trial
2004 The city of San Francisco, California begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in response to a directive from Mayor Gavin Newsom.
2013 North Korea allegedly conducts its third nuclear test, saying it was a nuclear device that could be weaponized
2014 Former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin is found guilty on corruption charges and sentenced to ten years in prison
2019 Mexican drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán found guilty of all 10 federal crimes against him in New York after 200 hours of testimony
2019 NASA data shows the world has got greener - 5% more leafier since early 2000s, mostly due to tree planting in China, intensive farming in India
2019 US national debt tops 22 trillion for the first time according to US Treasury

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