RFK Junior Explains Ukraine War and Globalist Business Model

4 months ago

The world's largest and most powerful corporations have a highly effective business strategy to ensure their own ongoing wealth and power. It is modelled on Mafia-style tactics of 'protectionism', and relies on a 'divide and conquer' approach to the minions below, whose suffering is both irrelevant to them personally, and necessary to their business needs. I will never again wonder why there is so much poverty in the world. It is by design.

RFK Jr describes the model as it works for the military industrial complex in this short clip. Those doing this to the world enjoy support for their business model so that effective opposition cannot mount. This means establishing a narrative so that a significant proportion of people support what is happening. Flying the Ukraine flag is the visible symbol in this instance. Anyone declaring the war in Ukraine to be a money laundering operation is automatically accused of sinful 'pro Russia' deeds.

The dancer/actor turned politician, Zelensky, is paid handsomely for his role as a leader defending his people. He is required to attend functions dressed in khaki to remind the people of his role, and beyond that his family are buying palaces and taking shopping trips to Paris. He is an exaggerated version of the other World Economic Forum placed global leaders such as Trudeau and Ardern.

This business model is now being established for the bio-pharmaceutical industrial complex. Instead of being divided by violent war, we are to be divided by the invisible threat of viruses, so that a significant proportion of people will support those providing the "solution" to the threat. Those who don't support it are accused of sinful "anti vaxxer" deeds. Visible symbols of support in this instance, include placement of a face mask and compliance with vaccine passports. The method uses a different, more covert "enemy", but the same tactics and with the same intended results: significant harm to innocent civilians, so that society is weakened and powerful oligarchs even further empowered.

The pandemic preparedness and response agenda will work as the war agenda does. Large amounts of public money will be required to defend us against the invisible enemy, which well intentioned personnel will scour the countryside searching for (this has already started with wastewater being tested for Covid, as though this holds meaning for human health). This requires the inevitable destruction of personal financial security of many/most as increasingly expensive government diktats are introduced, from lockdowns to increased taxes. A powerful corporatised machine will use the money to provide the solution via products they happen to manufacture for profit. The products will be purchased with our tax dollars, by our government, whose politicians will receive a portion of the profit and be heralded as our saviours. Medical doctors will be paid to comply and those who refuse will be de-registered and unemployed.

Read about the pandemic preparedness and response industry, and the financial structure being established, here:

Only through peaceful civil disobedience can we put an end to this globalist terror. If something does not make sense (eg microplastic over your airway; injections into the bloodstream to stop you from inhaling an airborne pathogen; staying home on government diktat), then choose whether or not you will comply and do not be bullied into the "greater good" argument. Your life does not have to be destroyed "for the greater good". Your freedoms do not have to be removed "for the greater good". The "greater good" will destroy humanity.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1756561127557718286

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