023 Signs of the End 2 - The Firm PodCast

4 months ago

Do you think the Roman Catholic Church has replaced Apostles? Were they sent by God? Did you know that the word Apostle has the same meaning as Angel? Where is the Heavenly Jerusalem? Has the War in Heaven already begun? Who is it that wars with Spiritual wickedness in High Places? Did you know that the End is in the Beginning?

In this series of PodCasts we will be looking at Signs of the End times in scripture. We will be covering the apocalyptic books of Daniel and Revelation, the Signs of the End from Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and the the non-canonical apocalyptic books of 2 Esdras, 2 Baruch and of course Enoch. We will also be looking into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library and the apocalyptic works they contain.

In this podcast you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

Topics covered in this PodCast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:47 Apostolic Succession
22:16 Building the Temple Part 2
43:10 When is the End
1:07:59 War in Heaven
1:22:08 Discussion

Here @theFirmament360 we will be covering various topics in God's Word and as Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas "revealing things which have never before occurred to the mind of man."

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