Unelected EU Head Blames Plight Of Farmers On "Effects Of Climate Change"

8 months ago

Unelected EU head, Ursula von der Leyen, blames the European farmer protests on everything except the one thing that is actually causing them. Namely, the deliberate war on agriculture being waged by unelected globalists as a means of seizing control of the global food supply—and thereby control of the global population.

"Farmers are the first in line feeling the effects of climate change. Droughts and floods have destroyed their harvest and threatened their livestock... Farmers are feeling the impact of the Russian war, inflation, the rising costs of energy, the rising cost of fertilisers."

Source: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/video/conclusions-of-the-special-european-council-meeting-of-1-february-2024-opening-statements-by-the-charles-michel-president-of-the-european-council-and-ursula-von-der-leyen-president-of-the-european-commission_I252258

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